Client Services

Legally Blind

We serve individuals who are legally blind all along the east coast, giving those Freedom and Independence.
We place guide dogs with those who meet our requirements completely

Free of Charge
  • In order to be eligible for a Freedom Guide Dog the applicant must:
  • Be Legally Blind
  • Reside along the East Coast
  • Be atleast 16 years of age
  • Have completed Orientation and Mobility Training
  • Able to walk at least one mile per day
  • Financially able to provide proper care for the dog once placed. (Ex. Food, Vet Expenses and any additional items your dog may require)

Special Needs

We serve individuals with disabilities in addition to blindness, both physical and cognitive.
We place guide dogs with those who meet our requirements completely

Free of Charge
  • In order to be eligible for a Freedom Guide Dog the applicant must:
  • Be Legally Blind
  • Reside along the East Coast
  • Be atleast 16 years of age
  • Have completed Orientation and Mobility Training
  • Able to walk at least one mile per day
  • Financially able to provide proper care for the dog once placed. (Ex. Food, Vet Expenses and any additional items your dog may require)


We serve veterans who are legally blind who live anywhere within the United States. We are happy to provide those who have served our country with a trained guide dog completely

Free of Charge
  • In order to be eligible for a Freedom Guide Dog the veteran must:
  • Be Legally Blind
  • Reside within the United States
  • Have completed Orientation and Mobility Training
  • Able to walk at least one mile per day
  • Financially able to provide proper care for the dog once placed. (Ex. Food, Vet Expenses and any additional items your dog may require)

We are here to help

Application Process

We understand the decision to apply for a guide dog may seem overwhelming, we are here to guide you and make the application process as easy as possible! 

Meet Our Requirements

In order to be considered for a Freedom Guide Dog you must meet our requirements.
Diagnosed as Legally Blind
At least 16 years old
Live along the East Coast (Unless you're a Veteran)
Able to walk at least 1 mile a day
Completion of Orientation & Mobility Training
Are physically and financially able to care for a dog.

Unsure if you qualify?
Call us to find out!

Complete an Application

There are a few different ways you may apply for a Freedom Guide Dog
Fill out our guide dog application online (by clicking 'Complete an Application' above
Call and request an application to be mailed to your home address or emailed to you
Call us and a member of our admissions department can assist you in filling out an application over the phone on your behalf.

Medical Reports & References

Outlined on your application it will ask for the names and addresses of your Primary Care Physician, Opthalmologist, Orientation and Mobility Instructor, along with three personal references.
Upon our office receiving and processing your application, we will send a questionnaire report directly to the individuals listed.
The information obtained from these reports will provide us with key information that will assist our training department better understand each applicant.

In-Person Interview

Our training department will contact and conduct each applicant to schedule an in-person interview. During the interview the trainer will be able to observe the home of the applicant, their community, the applicants orientation and mobility skills by doing a Juno Walk and learn more about the applicant and their goals and objectives along with what they do on a daily basis and how the use of a guide dog can assist them.

The Waiting List

Once the interview has been completed, if the applicant has officially been accepted into our guide dog program they will receive an acceptance letter in the mail informing them of their status. These applicants are now officially placed on our 'Accepted & Waiting List.' Our trainers work hard to review the list frequently to best match our dogs in training to the best possible candidate which will meet the clients needs, pace and lifestyle.
There are some circumstances where we are unable to accept an applicant into our program, our applicants will be notified by mail if we are unable to assist them.

Hometown Training ™

Our trainers will notify an applicant of a potential match with one of our guide dogs. You will schedule a two week Hometown Training™ session with one of our Guide Dog Mobility Instructors. Our trainers will travel with the trained guide dog directly to the home of the recipient. They will then work alongside the newly matched guide dog team teaching handling, and guide dog skills while ensuring the team works safely, confidently and efficiently with one another and also begins forming a healthy bond with each other. These services are provided completely free of charge to all recipients. Upon completion of our Hometown Training™ our applicants become Graduates.

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